Marriages are intended to thrive as we pursue Jesus and follow God's plan for our lives together. Marriage is more than just survival as we are intentional to heal, restore, forgive, grow, and fight for our marriages with our spouse. We are going to be intentional and go on the offensive, not settling for mediocre or what culture says is normal.

This page is dedicated to providing resources, information, and doing all we can as a church to partner with marriages as we see defined by the Word of God. We are here to support you while you are struggling but also give you resources to be proactive even if you feel things are good.

Let's be proactive about resources to help our marriages.

These are highly recommended sites and resources for you to pursue. Everything from websites with free resources to books and studies that will help you invest in your marriage.
Click on the picture to access to the resource.

It's time to to be all in with your marriage.

We have assembled a list of video series that we believe will help your marriage to thrive. These series are accessible through a free account with Right Now Media through our church account. If you don't have a Right Now Media account setup, simply go to our homepage, click the link and set it up. This link will take you to our Sitka AG Right Now Media page where we have a "Marriage & Relationships" Library all set up for you to choose from. Let's be proactive to invest in our marriage whether we are struggling or thriving.



No marriage is static. Each day, each choice — you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness … or coasting farther apart.
At the intersection of a faith-based marriage conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that — choose oneness. Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step toward being, and staying, one.


This event is in Anchorage, March 22-24th, 2024 and we'd like to encourage you to make plans to attend.  Registering early will save you $50 a couple and there is a huge Military discount for any Coast Guard or other military couples. Take advantage of this opportunity to invest in your marriage. If these dates don't work for you, there are Weekend to Remember options all over the country throughout the year.

*When registering put SitkaAG in the "Group Name" line.

Resources for parenting & families.

These are highly recommended sites and resources for you to pursue. Everything from websites with free resources to books and studies that will help you invest in your family and parenting.
Click on the picture to access to the resource.