Hope In...

Over the past few days there have been a couple of very specific words that I felt led to share. These aren't long and drawn out but words of encouragement to help make this journey each of us are on more personal and filled with hope. Hope is available to us because of what Jesus has done and continues to do in and through His people. At times, it can be difficult to see and grasp what Hope looks like or feels like. Hope is tangible, it's something you can grasp especially if you haven't had any for a while. Jesus changes our lives spiritually but also every other aspect of our lives is transformed if we allow Him in to be Lord over all.

Here are a couple posts that I felt belonged here and I'm sure more will be added down the road. I believe and have seen that Hope is only found in Jesus. It starts with Him and only Him. As we give our lives to Jesus and follow Him, He used us to be hope starters for others in our lives that need Jesus. Hope starts, thrives, and multiplies as we hunger for and pursue Him. It becomes contagious for those around us and they experience hope because we didn't settle for life on our own terms but His.

HOPE IN PAIN. This is heavy on my heart this morning. Pain could be a circumstance you are walking through, could be some sin you’ve been trying to walk away from, it could be a secret you are holding on to, unforgiveness or an offense robbing you of joy and peace, or even something else.

Hope isn’t in your relationships and it’s not found in what you’ve done to escape or feel better in the past.  Hope is found in a moment of allowing Jesus to be your one pursuit and desire. Hope is being captivated by the forgiver of sin, the one who restores freedom and heals the broken heart. Hope is allowing His presence to rest on you in the middle of pain and chaos.
Turn to Jesus, let Hope flood your heart and mind as you trust Him. Allow yourself to be captivated by Jesus…right now!

HOPE IN LISTENING! Over the past several weeks I've seen and heard a few people say that God or the Holy Spirit is really speaking or God is moving now more than ever. I understand what is trying to be said. However, that brings a message that He is starting and stopping or is limiting our access to Him. This isn't even close to accurate. The reason we are seeing individual encounters or a corporate outpouring, revival, awakening, or whatever you use to describe it; is because we are finally hungry and desperate enough to listen and be aware of what He is doing or wanting to do.

Hope is possible because He is always available and not in limited quantities. His love for you, forgiveness, restoration, and anything else He wants to pour out for us is always 100% available, and fully accessible for those willing to sacrifice our own agendas and desires for His.

Our hunger and desperation determine our encounter with Him. Your hope will rise when you will shut out everything else and listen to Him speak and be ready for Him to pour it. Hope rises in the moments you'll listen, hunger, and thirst for all He has, and all He has, is always available without restriction if we will just go after it.